12 feb SudHAV 3 – EU Aid volunteers
SudHAV 3 project is an EU Aid volunteers deployment project which aims at sending 42 European experts (juniors and seniors) by 3 EU organisations (MTÜ MONDO, ADICE, ADRA Sk) to 13 Non-EU partner countries in Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucasia, Asia (Ukraine, Albania, Georgia, Turkey, Thaïland, India) and Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya).
The main objectives of the project are:
· Support hosting organizations and local communities in hosting countries
· Reinforce the volunteering project impacts for 13 Non-EU partners and their local communities through capacity building and supporting activities by sending organizations and EU Aid volunteers.
· Ensure large dissemination of the project activities and results and the EUAV initiative in EU and Non-EU countries.
To reach these objectives, the 3 EU organizations will recruit, prepare, deploy, monitor and evaluate 42 European experts with the support of the Non-EU partners. These volunteers will support the Non-EU partners and local communities in the following sectors: health, education, livelihoods, disaster risks prevention and management, refugee support, community development, environment, gender issues, projects development, communication.
Moreover, to ensure the sustainable impact of this project, Non-EU partners will participate in a capacity building training on administrative and financial management of humanitarian projects, needs re-assessment & impact evaluation.
Who can apply?
All EU citizens and long term residents over 18 years old, no upper age limit.
Financial aspects
All expenses are covered (travel, accommodation, meals, insurance, training, monthly allowance)
Actual EU Aid Volunteers vacancies though SUD HAV 3:
Junior Community Relations Support Officer, Sep/20 – Aug/21, Turkey (Istanbul), Application deadline: 15.03.2020
Senior Project & Volunteer Coordinator, Sep/20 – Aug/21, Turkey (Istanbul), Application deadline: 12.03.2020
Senior Income Generating Specialist, Sep/20 – Sep/21, Turkey (Istanbul), Application deadline: 12.03.2020
Junior Project Developer, Sep/20 – Aug/21, Albania (Tirana), Application deadline: 08.03.2020
Junior PR Officer with knowledge in research and database for operational support, Sep/20 – Aug/21, Application deadline: 14.03.2020
Junior Physiotherapist, Sep/20 – Feb/2021, Albania (Tirana), Application deadline: 08.03.2020
Merkuri: Senior Communication Manager, Sep/20 – May/21, Georgia (Zugdidi), Application deadline: 14.03.2020
- 3 best candidates will undergo an online and a 2-week onsite professional EU Aid volunteers training – April 2020 (EU country)
- 5-days preparatory training at ADRA Slovensko – June 2020 (Slovakia)
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Kto sa môže prihlásiť?
Občania z hociktorej členskej krajiny EÚ a dlhodobí rezidenti v krajinách EÚ, bez vekového limitu.
Finančné aspekty
Všetky náklady dobrovoľníka sú hradené (cestovanie, ubytovanie, strava, poistenie, tréning, mesačná finančná čiastka)
Aktuálne dobrovoľnícke pozície EU Aid z projektu SUD HAV 3:
Junior Community Relations Support Officer, Sep/20 – Aug/21, Turecko (Istanbul), termín podania prihlášok 15.03.2020
Senior Project & Volunteer Coordinator, Sep/20 – Aug/21, Turkey (Istanbul), termín podania prihlášok 12.03.2020
Senior Income Generating Specialist, Sep/20 – Sep/21, Turkey (Istanbul), termín podania prihlášok 12.03.2020
Junior Project Developer, Sep/20 – Aug/21, Albania (Tirana), Application termín podania prihlášok 08.03.2020
Junior PR Officer with knowledge in research and database for operational support, Sep/20 – Aug/21, Application termín podania prihlášok 14.03.2020
Junior Physiotherapist, Sep/20 – Feb/2021, Albania (Tirana), Application termín podania prihlášok 08.03.2020
Merkuri: Senior Communication Manager, Sep/20 – May/21, Georgia (Zugdidi), Application termín podania prihlášok 14.03.2020
- 3 najlepší kandidáti absolvujú tréning humanitárnych EU dobrovoľníkov (online a dvojtýždňový v niektorej krajine EU) v apríli 2020
- päťdňový prípravný tréning v ADRA (Slovensko) v júni 2020